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Divya G.

Divya is a freshman at Carnegie Mellon University, majoring in Computer Science. She is most passionate about the sciences, specifically physics and chemistry. Since 5th grade, Divya has been participating in coding and technology activities. The disparity between the ratio of boys to girls in these programs and classes at school was shockingly evident to her. Divya became part of the sisterhood in Girls Who Code and a Yale Young Global Scholar. Recently, she won an award at CMU Hackathon for her game "ISPY" which took a twist on the classic game using computer vision and model training. She will declare her major in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and use her voice and actions to inspire other women to do the same. Some topics she is interested in are combating food contamination with computational modeling and dendritic tagging and ethics in AI. Two of her role models in AI include Professor Geoffrey Hinton and Dr. Joy Buolamwini. For fun, Divya enjoys playing volleyball and spending time with friends.

Awards Received

  • 2023 NationalHonorable Mention
  • 2023 Arizona AffiliateWinner
  • 2024 NationalFinalist
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